Silhouette versions

Creates designs using specific tools and sends them to the cutting machine
Oct 18, 2017
Jun 2, 2013
Feb 11, 2013
Jun 9, 2012
Dec 1, 2011
Mar 11, 2011
Apr 8, 2010
Jan 16, 2012

What's new

v5.2 [Jul 30, 2014]
- Crop Node
- Edit- Duplicate Action
- EXR 2.0 Multi-part support
- Use data window as display window
- Frame step and point trackers
- Nuke export- inner blur support
- Render- Slap Comp- Invert action
Bug fixes:
- Right eye paint keyframes show up as blue in the player again.
- Tablet support for Clone Quick Modes is fixed.

v5.1 [Jun 2, 2013]
1. Features:
- Installer - After Effects Creative Cloud
The Silhouette installer now automatically finds the After Effects Creative Cloud install location.
- Nuke Exporter
The Nuke exporter now exports Silhouette’s Shape > Max blend mode.
- Scripting
Script Editor Line Numbers
Hook For Quit Notification
Property SetInterpolation() Missing
2. Changes
- Disable Premultiply
Premultiply was disabled for formats that do not support embedded alpha.
- mocha Accuracy and Speed
mocha's accuracy and speed was improved.
3. Bug Fixes
- Edit Session in Floating Project Window Crash
If you edited a session in a floating Project window, Silhouette would crash.
- mocha > Remove Flicker Crash
mocha would crash if you had Remove Flicker on.
- Paint > Stereo Alignment
The brush cursor was not lining up on the same feature in the Left and Right Views after a stereo alignment.
- Point Tracker > Behavior > Keyframes Crash
The Point Tracker > Behavior > Keyframes feature caused a crash.
- Right View Not Rendering in Paint Only Mode
The Right view of a stereo pair was not rendering in the Paint Only render mode.
- Saving Project From Script Did Not Update Project Root
Using did not update the SFX_PROJECT_ROOT variable used by Paint. The variable is now updated in the setBundle() call.
- Shape > Max Blend Mode
The Shape > Max blend mode had a bug where overlapping shapes with opacities below 100 didn't display the correct value in the overlapped area.
- Shape > Multiply Blend Mode
If a shape with less than 100 percent opacity is set to Multiply blend mode, the shape's Alpha is drawn to the border of the bounding box, not to the shape itself.
- Timeline 1FPS Not Working
1FPS was not working in the Timeline.
- Variable Vertex After Effects Shape Crashes on Export
When using the Silhouette Shape Import/Export plug-in in After Effects, exporting a variable vertex shape would crash After Effects. Instead of crashing, an error message is displayed instead since Silhouette does not support variable vertex shapes.

v4.5 [Jun 9, 2012]
-Silhouette now uses the OpenColorIO standard originally developed by Sony
Pictures Imageworks for it’s color management.

v4.3 [Dec 1, 2011]
Fixed Bugs:
- Reshape Tool Nudge Not in Screen Space
- The Reshape tool did not nudge correctly in transformed layers.
- Shift-Alt Change
- Shift-Alt instead of just Shift must now be held down to move keys in the
- Timebar to work around possible accidental movement/selection of keyframes in the Timeline.

Alternative downloads

Silhouette Studio
Silhouette Studio

Drawing/editing tool for Silhouette electronic cutting machine.

Free Morphing
Free Morphing

Image editor that allows you to create morph animations.

Blaze MediaConvert
Blaze MediaConvert

Convert between various multimedia formats.

Silhouette ModelMaker
Silhouette ModelMaker

Create 3D shapes and convert them into 2-dimentional images.

River Past Animated GIF Converter and Booster Pack
River Past Animated GIF Converter

Is an add-on pack, which adds the ability to output Animated GIF and FLC files.